Thursday, November 03, 2005

Oklahoma Wife Swap

In some bizarre twist I was watching the American version of Wife Swap. One of the families lived in Oklahoma (hence the coincidence).

To set the scene one family was of staunch religious background, the other was a legally married gay couple (male) with two daughters. You can immediatley see where this was heading.

Now my Christian faith tells me that I am no different to someone that is gay, practising or not, which is cool - its merely how they choose to live that life that things become an issue and a challenge. However what disturbed me most was that the "Christian" husband of the wife swap refused to have the bloke stay in his house and insisted he stayed in a Motel because he was "inviting sin into his house". He also refused at first to eat / break bread at the dinner table with him.

I found this deeply shocking. Not simply because in my mind a Christian shouldn't be treating someone like that, but that a human would have such hate for another human. I couldn't believe such segregation existed and the level at which it was administered was justified by biblical passages. In fact, I got so annoyed with the "Christian" I thumped the settee in disgust.

Jesus wouldn't have this attitude I am sure, and I simply cannot understand why a "Christian" should behave in such a manner to anyone.

Makes me mad - damn mad (in a righteous champion canny bloke kinda way).


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