Monday, November 12, 2007

Beach Hut

My mother-in-law is lucky enough to own a beach hut down on cromer beach. When the weather is nice (and not nice) its a nice place to have so you have some shelter, somewhere to make tea and somewhere to store things. She only got the beach hut this year so there was little work done on it - however there are some beautiful ones there that have been around for ages and clearly had some time and money spent on them.

For one reason or another my wife and I completley forgot about it with regards to the recent storm surge and wasn't until my mother in law rang that we suddenly realised that there could have been serious damage. Here are some pictures from the coast she took, its truly shocking:

Fortunatley this is my mother in law's beach hut. Apart from a sleeper missing at the front, it being pushed back against the wall and some sweeping of sang, it remained intact. I feel so sorry for the rest of the other owners who have probably lost a lot of things and treasured possesions this week - as well as facing insurance claims.


Blogger Craig Deal said...

thats mad!

I only photographed the huts a few weeks ago!

1:22 PM  
Blogger monty said...

I have some of them as well. What was cool was that we prayed for the hut to be safe (is that anal) and it was. But em's mum says she is feeling guilty about it cause other people's hut have entirely gone....

12:37 AM  

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