Monday, November 05, 2007

Forget global warming...flares?

I was watching tonight a series on The History Channel all about The Universe. This episode was particular about the Sun and it focused quite a bit about solar flairs.

I have always known that solar flairs can and occasionally do have an effect on electrical equipment (as well as producing such amazing sights as the Aurora Boreallis). However they explained that the earth hasn't been hit by a major solar flair since 1859.

Imagine then the devasting effect a massive solar flair would have on todays modern society. Sattellites would be struck down, all communication on earth would go down. Since I work in a society where communication is key, to lose communication to an unrepairable state right across the world would be catastrophic. I suspect annarchy would set in since people wouldn't be able to work, get money out of banks, hospitals would not be able to maintain service - people would die. It literally would effect every part of the life.

Whereas global warming is bad this to me seems horrific in comparison. The only good news is that we are in a lull of a 10year solar activity - but many people are predicting a wave of solar flares in 2011 when it reaches a peak in preperation for the suns magnetic makeup swapping (which it does every 11 years).

On a positive note your likely to get a half decent suntan!

Champion - happy sunshine thoughts


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