Thursday, January 11, 2007


I have always been intrigued by Titanic and its story. There is something romantic but tragic about the story and shows humans at their best (achievement, drive) and worst (rush, cockyness, short sighted).

However I stumbled upon a story that has amazed me. I read it via a link on and linked to top 10 coincidences. Here it is and I have tried to remove paraphrasing as much as I can....

The story goes that a ship was built and was the greatest ship built by man and the largest on the ocean. Both internally and externally the ship was made to the highest luxury and highest standards with stewards cabins being refered to as first class in their own right.
The latest technology was used in the building of it including the addition of '..nineteen water-tight compartments.. With nine compartments flooded the ship would still float, and as no known incident of the sea could possibly fill this many. It was was considered practically unsinkable.

Because it was considered unsinkable she only carried the minimum number of lifeboats required by law - 24 - able to carry 500 people. This was not enough for the 2000 passengers on board. It hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean and sank. 2987 people died in the disaster.

If I asked you what ship that was you would be forgiven for naturally saying Titanic. Acutally the ship it refers to is called the Titan. It gets better - Titan is the ship described in a Novel called Futility by Morgan Robertson. Finally - to top it of - this Novel was written and published in 1898, a full 14 years before the Titanic disaster.

Just unbelievable, even more striking similarities can be found here:


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