Sunday, December 03, 2006

Lost III

I think I am now watching my 3rd episode of series 3 of Lost.
The premise is that a plane has crashed landed on a mysterious island where there are other people there, and there is something all wierd - thats the incredibly short story. There is something about the island, something about the way people act or are affected.

Hence therefore there are a lot of theories around about what is happening on the island, what its all about etc. Here I would give my two top theories for those that have seen it (one I have read before, the other is one I have made up).

Theory 1 - Purgatory (My Theory)
Purgatory - defined in wikipedia is: which posits that those who die in a state of grace undergo a purification in order to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven.[1] This purification of the elect is entirely different from the punishment of the damned in hell.[2] The Catholic doctrine holds that the souls in purgatory undergo temporal punishment due to venial sins or as satisfaction due to their transgressions,

I cannot explain this theory or justify this theory so it extends to every part of the show, however it fits quite neatly when you exposition the characters a little (I will struggle with the character names mind). Furthermore, we have only seen in flash backs the most briefest of the history of the characters. However each of them seems to have issues or done something that they deeply regret or have had massive implications in their lives. A lot would appear to have father son relations that are damaged. This is evident in the black guy and his son, and in the asian couple (their baby) and the asian mans relationship with his father in law.
So my theory is that they are actually all dead, and they are playing out a dream sequence whilst they go through a purification and a temporal punishment for their past sins.
I also wonder if the "others" on the island are simply angles / demons / or challenges that they must face and are in fact not real other people. It would also do to explain why some of the people (not all) have been miraculously healed. Thats my theory.

Theory 2 - Experimental Island
Ok - I haven't thought much about this one but here goes. Its an experiment island which has gone wild - hence polar bears, the others, the bunkers. If you have watched it closely you would have seen a black cloud floating around. The theory goes that this cloud is nano robots (minature robots) that have taken on their own world and own control. This would go to explain why people are healed at times.
I don't have much more to say on it than that. Bit poor on the 2nd one but I like my theory.


Blogger Craig Deal said...

Lost....I've still got 4 episodes of series 2 to watch.

Now I'm not sure which theory is right, the only thing I do know is the reason its called lost is becouse everyone who watches it is totally lost!!

8:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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10:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have heard these theories discussed as well. I have enjoyed the first three episodes of this series but I will get frustrated (as I did in series two) if some questions are not answered. Epsisode six is supposed to be a biggie this series (according to the British actor who plays Mr Ekco - he was on the Simon Mayo show a couple of weeks back).

10:42 AM  
Blogger Balaji said...


6:28 AM  

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