Christians shouldn't forgive
The thrust of it focuses around whether some deserters should have been shot to death or not in world war one. In his post he states categorically and I quote "In my eyes, there is no pardon for these men, just as there is no pardon for anyone else who thinks themselves above democracy."
I am not sure whether Ben claims to be a Christian or not, my impression is that he does. Neither do I know him personally so I cannot comment on his attitude per say - however - it has made me a tad annoyed.
I cannot believe anyone who is a Christian can portray such a message. Examining the statement he makes "... there is no pardon..." means that they should not be forgiven - is pardon not the same as forgiveness - or near enough. He therefore justifies these people being killed without any consideration. I can appreciate that people killing people is part of the world we live in, fair enough - but to support it and say its ok - is that right? He goes on to say that the people shot for dessertion had no consideration for those giving up their lives for freedom. A pointless and fruitless comment that only serves to bring about fear in peoples lives from within.
Jesus preaches forgiveness at all levels - as Christians we should stand up for justice, mercy and truth and not support this crappy world where people are "allowed" to kill other people because they are seen as weak and inferior. Jesus wouldn't so why should we. For God's sake get a grip.