Sunday, July 30, 2006

Parking Restrictions

Who the hell is going to park in there anyway.......

Friday, July 28, 2006


Just to let you know, as most of you do that we did finish the kitchen a little while ago, just aint put a picture up.

So here is the kitchen before the work, and afterwards:

And afterwards (notice where the arch above is, you will see the lighter colored tiles)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Church image

Liked this picture of church.
Got it from

Saturday, July 22, 2006

BBQ and Live Animals

I went to a BBQ at a friends house the other day. BBQ was excellent but I thought I would share some pictures I caught. This first is when we noticed a little mouse feeding from the bird feeder hanging in the tree. Just incredibly brave or incredibly cheeky.......

The next was there was loads of Frogs jumping through the garden. I managed to capture a couple of decent shots of them even though it was fairly dark and nothing much could be seen.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Thrigby Wildlife Gardens

Spent the day at Thrigby Wildlife gardens, here are some pics......

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tim Hughes

For those interested in this, Tim Hughes has started a new album today.
You can read about it here:

Started today and is blogging about it each day of recording.

For those that have never heard of him, he writes worship music for listening and playing in churches and is quite popular.

Dog Poo

I have been wanting to blog about dog poo for a while and never got around to it.
I love dogs, I have always wanted a dog but sometimes I am never around and I suspect having two kids will be too much to have a dog in the family. Besides, our house is tiny.

So, lets for a moment assume none of those hinderences were there. Would I still get a dog. Well, the answer is a wap bam NO. My reason is dog poo. If you have ever stood in it and had to clean it off your shoes you know how bad it smells. I struggle with smelly nappies at times never mind dog poo.

The real reason is that its now the fashion, if not the law, to pick your dog turds off the floor and put them into plastic bags. These I suspect are swung around in the users hands until a suitable receptacle is found or I am back at home. I am sure there are more braver people than me, but there is no chance your going to get me picking up smelly cack and carrying around in a sainsburys bag on hot summers days like this.

No way, no thanks and no chance.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Accident - update

Just to add from below that sadly, the crash at Herthersett was fatal for both passengers. Being someone who has experience of how something like this rips through the fibre of a family, my prayers and thoughts go to the people left behind. Peoples lives have been lost, and others change forever.

I understand the guy in question was fairly well known and had a promising sports career from what I read on the EDP. So deeply tragic and sad.

Road Accident

Before I say much more, the person driving probably wasn't wearing a seat belt and was probably going too fast. That makes this story more sad.

Tonight on our way to a party for some friends me and my wife stumbled upon a car accident that had just happened. This could be seen by the fact that smoke was still coming off the ground and around the car where the accident happened. Sad to say, what appeared to be two young people had been seriously injured in the accident. Whilst I stayed with Max, Emma helped out doing her thing, she is gifted like that.

Signs that it was serious was that the fire engine arrived and I thought it wasn't going to stop. They clearly knew the urgency of the call. I have seen firefighters arrive before but never with as much haste and speed and concern. Emma briefed the incident manager who was clearly shocked and then briefed the ambulance crewew. Before they arrived I brought a torch for someone to check pupil dilation. I have never looked upon something such a sight. I had to walk away and let people better educated get on dealing with it. There was a woman there who worked in A&E so she was well placed to help.

After the party we returned to the scene to see how it was. Sadly it was blocked off as a crime scene. This in my mind could only mean the worst news possible. I have looked on EDP on my return but suspect there will be no news till tommorow. I pray someone survived, I really do - however my gut reaction is neither of these two young people had. So sad for all. So sad.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cultural Architect

I recently read on someones blog that they were (in a Church based context / Worship Leader) a Cultural Architect.

This makes me mad. A Cultural Architect. So - this person is saying they have a direct influence on the culture of the young people around them. Sorry, but that is horse poo to thing you can be an architect in this area. I agree that leaders can influence and change people, that I don't question. But I don't believe a single person rarely changes culture, or tries to plan that change to the level associated in terms of architecture. Cultural architecture in my mind is more massive than a single person, and at times more massive than a single church.

I suspect the person has been bombarded with well meaning christian babble and really needs a reality check. I won't name and shame, not my sort of thing, but the more I read about this person and the advertising placed upon this person it seems they have been influenced by an architecture not based on good sound christian principals.

Rant over..... its 1.49am and I must go to bed.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Well its not going to be long now before I become a daddy again, and max becomes a big brother (that’s another topic to blog on) and mummy becomes a mummy again. The official date for that is 28th July although its not been massively plain sailing.

Emma has struggled and been tired at times, which comes down to a medical condition and this being managed properly. I have also been very busy with work, church and general play. All of which we have had to spend some time reprioritising mainly my life to ensure that I am doing less and spending more quality family time.

We have also had the upheaval of moving out of home for a month and getting all the work done on the kitchen and bathroom. We only moved back in a couple of weeks ago and still have some work to do on our living room.

So all in all its been a “busy” pregnancy for us as a family. I think I am very much looking forward to the new arrival as I am sure this means I will be doing nothing but family stuff for August ( 4 weeks leave ). Also being a little bit older and a little bit wiser than we were with Max is hopefully going to mean things are more comfortabler – that said, things with the Montgomery household never seem to pan out like that.