Sunday, July 09, 2006

Road Accident

Before I say much more, the person driving probably wasn't wearing a seat belt and was probably going too fast. That makes this story more sad.

Tonight on our way to a party for some friends me and my wife stumbled upon a car accident that had just happened. This could be seen by the fact that smoke was still coming off the ground and around the car where the accident happened. Sad to say, what appeared to be two young people had been seriously injured in the accident. Whilst I stayed with Max, Emma helped out doing her thing, she is gifted like that.

Signs that it was serious was that the fire engine arrived and I thought it wasn't going to stop. They clearly knew the urgency of the call. I have seen firefighters arrive before but never with as much haste and speed and concern. Emma briefed the incident manager who was clearly shocked and then briefed the ambulance crewew. Before they arrived I brought a torch for someone to check pupil dilation. I have never looked upon something such a sight. I had to walk away and let people better educated get on dealing with it. There was a woman there who worked in A&E so she was well placed to help.

After the party we returned to the scene to see how it was. Sadly it was blocked off as a crime scene. This in my mind could only mean the worst news possible. I have looked on EDP on my return but suspect there will be no news till tommorow. I pray someone survived, I really do - however my gut reaction is neither of these two young people had. So sad for all. So sad.


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