There are some parts of Halloween that I very much dislike, one of them being the trick or treat around the doors. My main objection is the encouragement of children to go knocking on strangers doors for cash / sweets. I think if this is done with adults in a a supervised manner - its probably not that bad although I am not sure it is giving a good impression to young people. The other is probably the imagery used can be frightening - and I know this from experience.
When I was young (less than 10) I was taken on a ghost train. The experience has scarred me for life and I actually will not go on one today nor down any sort of dungeon (like at Norwich Castle). Therefore I know the experiences at a young age like this can have an effect.
I know some Christians will be jumping around and praying for peoples salvation from the devil for participating in Halloween. However I cannot help find myself think "hold on -what a load of cack your spouting". Yes, we need to be careful with imagery and what we are showing young children, and yes, we need to ensure careful handling of trick or treating. But at times we give the Devil too much credit I believe.
I do wonder how much of it is about fantasy and fear. I don't think there is particularly anything wrong with either of these, but like life in general, too much of it can have a negative effect. Sometimes, on the odd occasions, Christians need to take a chill pill. The Harry Potter books are an exact same argument as in Witchcraft and Wizardry and its hand in hand with Christianity. And yes, probably fair, witchcraft and wizardry plays little part in Christianity - likewise James Bond play little part in Christianity. One could argue that Harry Potter may lead to kids trying to perform spells, chants etc etc - could you not then also argue if kids read / watch 007 they might try and kill people? The answer is clear and is no - but for me proves how ridiculous an argument of whether Christians should read Harry Potter or not. Its fiction and likewise Halloween must be treated with a smile, some realism and some careful parental guidance as to what it really means.
ps - should you wish to send me sweets, chocolate or money for Halloween I can provide my addy.