Saturday, January 19, 2008

Customer Experience

One of my roles currently at work is monitoring customer experience, which is more than just the experience you and I get with BT...

This post though is to tell you how impressed I was with the customer experience I had at the Carphone Warehouse [CW]

My phone with 02 was coming to the end of its 18 month contract and I had seen some deals on the internet with CW. So I went to the new store at the Riverside complex to see what they could do. The deal, which I found incredible was for new customers, was a free Playstation 3 (other options were WII's, XBOX's and other things). So I went in and spoke to Matt. He advised me that there was every chance the deal wouldn't be on in February when my contract officially came to an end (with 02 you can upgrade a month early). So he advised me once we had found the right playstation deal, to ring up 02 and ask to go on their lowest price plan so for the last month I would pay the lowest amount possible, take out my new plan with Orange, and ask for my PAC code.

They did all the telephone ringing for me in the store getting through the miriad of "Press 1 for, 3 for, 5 for". We did all of this, got my PAC code, got my new contract and ordered my free playstation for free.

In short, I am on the same tariff price as with 02 but now with Orange.
I am getting 500 mins a month, and unlimited texts.
A new sony ericsson phone (which is great).
A new Playstation 3.

The playstation had to be delivered and when I did the deal it was 3pm in the afternoon. Matt at CW advised it would be delivered the next day - naturally I was dubious. However, 11am the next morning a courier arrived with the PS3 which included 1 game and 1 blu ray dvd as well.

Fantastic - great to see a company keeping its promises and delivering customer experience like that.

I was about to order a new TV, a Sony Bravia HD at the end of this month but was going to get a cheap upscaling DVD player with it. However, having a PS3 was icing on the cake really, as it does upscaling and plays DVD blu-ray (which I think is going to become the winner in the HD DVD / Blu Ray battle - like the old Betamax / VHS battle of old).


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