Saturday, May 13, 2006

Da Jerry Vinci Code

I have been reading Craigs blog with regards to an article he references about the Da Vinci Code novel by Dan Brown (

To state at the outset, I have no problem with the novel and think its great. I have taken most of the Mary Magadelene side of the story in view that it is a novel and is not meant as an exposition of strict Catholicism. Many will disagree. But like many a good author, not only has he weaved a clever story he has also introduced the concept of "something to talk about". I wonder if the subject was less controversial whether the book would be such a success. But since it is controversial many people are talking about it, hence many people will pick it up and read it.

I know one Catholic who secretly told me they had read it and felt bad for doing so. Terrible really.

The point of this post really was to make a comparison between the very verbal and visible challenges that went on and carry on across the UK with regards to Jerry Springer. Not having seen the show personally as its not my thing, but I don't believe Jerry Springer deserves to be picked out and the Da Vinci Code left to show at cinemas without any objection.

I wonder therefore, where the people making all these acusations to the Theatre Royal of blasphemy etc etc are when the Da Vinci Code is released. I suspect they wont even bother the UCI or any other place and simply let it get on. Why is that do you think?


Blogger Balaji said...

I appreciate you reading the book. I felt that the book is very nicely written and definitely engrossing. I am almost sure that the movie will also not disappoint us and will become a big hit.

12:45 PM  
Blogger monty said...

I agree, I think the movie will be good and hopefully not a poor reflection of the book as they often are.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Helsalata said...

You've made the very same points that my husband did...Where are the protests? Who knows...

7:22 AM  
Blogger Craig Deal said...

I'm not sure why people have got on the Jerry protest and not the Da Vinci code protest.

I dont think I would protest either of them. I wouldn't protest over the Da Vinci code, its a good novel and cant wait for the film.

I've not seen Jerry Springer show so don't see how I can protest it. I've heard mixed reviews from people who have seen it and would need to make up my own mind.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Emily said...

I think the difference between Jerry Springer and the Da Vinci Code in that in Springer Jesus is mock, degraded and generally turned into a laughing stock. I don't know that much about it but I know they potray him and the disciples all as gay and lots of other things that I can't remember. Its generally disgusting really. The da vinci code is totally different. Its much more of a fictional story rather than a 'lets all laugh at God' thing. And Dan Brown has also written about Jesus respectfully, he doesn't stoop to the same level as Jerry Springer. I guess at the core they are both showing or telling something that is untrue. The difference being that one's purpose is to tell an entertaining fictional story, the other, to degrade, insult and mock God.

10:08 AM  

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