Sunday, September 16, 2007

Colin McRae

I have never been a rally driver but I am saddened at the death of a legend in motorsport. Colin McRae died in a helicopter crash with a family friend and a six year old boy in his private helicopter.....

Oh Darling, are you good enough....

I am not really a political person, and don't really understand most of it. I am not naive enough though to know that Alistaire Darling is the current (see cannot even think of the title)..... Chancellor...

I don't know, but for some reason I feel uneasy about this. When he was transport minister I thought he was naff and not really achieving anything. So I am not expecting a great deal as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

That all said when your effective boss has been in that role for a long time, its probably a shreud move on behalf of Gordon Brown and is possibly in the role so Gordon can continue his chancellor mandate.

Whether I like Gordon Brown is a different matter.....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The whip is back

I am eagerly looking forward to films next year already.
Two reasons:

Star Trek 11 - not everyone's cup of tea but I will love it.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Indiana Jones 4)


Monday, September 10, 2007

Fastest Rollercoaster in the World

0 - 128 mph 3.8 seconds
Won't run in rain as it can hurt the riders

Monday, September 03, 2007

New Lens

Its my intention at some point to update either my photo blog or my website to reflect new images, but time is taken up with so many other things I am struggling to find the effort in developing something for the website. Least to say I have around 120 images to use in stock.

On that note I did invest in two second hand lenses for my Canon 400D. One is a telephoto lens the other being a macro lens. I find the basic lens that comes with the Canon 400D a bit wanting (albeit gives great wide angled pictures). So much to say zoom is poor. Similarly close up shots go wanting on the standard lens.

I bought both from the London Camera Shop in Norwich (somewhere up a side street near Pizza Hut).

Here are a couple of images from the zoom lens:

And a couple from my macro lens: